Help your students build knowledge, experience, and social capital for college, career, and civic life

GenerationNation’s educational tools, resources, and programs offer students in kindergarten through high school a wide range of opportunities to learn about government, citizenship, leadership and more.

Classroom activities introduce K-8 students to civic learning through social studies, math and language arts and further strengthen civic knowledge and skills in high school Civic Literacy, US History and other courses. The resources are tied to curriculum standards, and support 21st century learning including – but not limited to – civic literacy. Hands-on activities enable students to experience civics and leadership in real life – – which evidence shows is the best way to learn.

Civic literacy resources are standards-based, easily used, smart, fun and engaging

  • Useful tools that connect real-life experiences and current events with the classroom education to increase student interest and comprehension
  • Interdisciplinary, integrating the study of government, citizenship and leadership into different contexts
  • Tied to curriculum standards
  • Easy to use, flexible and adaptable, plug into existing lesson plans, fit time requirements and curriculum goals
  • Relevant, usable and regularly updated throughout the year
  • Non-partisan and non-political


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GenerationNation is a local, state, and national leader in K-12 civic literacy and youth civic leadership education

GenerationNation is an active member of CivXNow at iCivics, Teaching for American Democracy at CIRCLE at Tufts University, Educating for American Democracy, and NC Civics Coalition, which GeneratioNation leads.